Thursday 14 April 2011

Assignment 5B: TO DO List for the summer holidays!

Five books I want to read over the summer-

-'' Alone together'' : lonely in a world with 1,000 virtual distractions, is a book written by Sherry Turkle. I came across this book in my research about Social networks and if they connect or isolate people. I'm interested in reading it because of all the negative reviews on it and the way people seem to totally disagree with what Turkle says about technology.  

-''In the bubble'' by John Thackara, this book was mentioned in one of our Design Studies lectures ( talks) by Lauren Currie aka Red jotter. She said that she had read it and thinks it's something everybody should read at some point.


-The next book I aim to read is: ''The back of the Napkin'' by Dan Roam as it was highly recommended by our lecturer Jonathan Baldwin and unfortunately I haven't got round to reading it yet.

-Another book I would like to read is ''Ways of seeing '' by John Berger, as I  remember reading a review about it when I was doing the first assignment of this semester which was about what images mean.

-The fifth book I'm going to read is ''The Eco-Design Handbook'' by Alastair Fuad-Luke as I think making life more sustainable is mostly down to designers to do. it introduces you to eco-friendly materials and alternative ways of using them and being innovative.

Five changes to my blog- 

-First of all I want to get a wordpress blog.
-Organize and separate my blog posts to : Assignments, Portfolio and Projects.
-Choose an image I like and that I will use everywhere in order for people to recognize me like Red Jotter has done.
-Get a Flickr account and upload photographs of my work.
-Organize my tags so that they are easy for people to find.

People I want to connect with-  

Over the summer holidays, I also want to get a Twitter account in order to connect with more people.
-To start off, there are some people I would like to keep in touch with and follow on Twitter or by blog because it is always useful to be able to see what other people might be doing currently, e.g projects they are working on, research they are carrying out or even a book they found interesting. Some of these people are :

-Lauren Curry which gave us a talk  in one of our lectures and is really inspiring by the way she has connected with a lot of people through Twitter, Blogs and Skype. 
-Linsey Mcintosh that has graduated in interior and environmental design and is currently completing her Masters degree in Design, she also gives us interesting materials talks every Thursday afternoon.  
-I would like to follow sites like Design* Sponge ( on Twitter)
-People that have recently graduated from design courses, it will be interesting to find out what they went through and done after University.
-Finally, following designers and companies will help me connect and have a change to show my work to possible future employers.

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