Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Assignment 4: Reading and Reviewing


In this book, William Mitchell has placed the current computer and electronic network revolution on human technological change, while emphasizing its importance.  Mitchell’s background in architecture and urban planning, as well as an obvious keen interest in the ethics of development, contribute to his exploration of the effects of the e-revolution.
 He reminds us of different developments of the past and how it has affected people’s lives. For example, he points out that a common gathering place for communities was the village well, where people went not just for water but also for news and to socialize. When water distribution systems were invented, indoor plumbing made it unnecessary for many people around the world to get outside their homes at all to meet their need for a fresh supply of water. However, the need for social interaction remained, and people started meeting at public squares, cafes, and marketplaces, often at or near the sites of the old wells.
He also points out that before central heating and electricity for lighting, families gathered on cold days and in the evening in one central room with a large fireplace. This in turn facilitated social interaction of the families. Gas pipe systems started to change this, and now light and heat are available at any time of day or night in every urban area through the electric and gas supply network. Family members no longer need to come together to share the fireplace. Everybody can be in their own room and not interact with other members of the family. Even the television is now available in every room, whereas people used to get together to watch movies.
Mitchell argues that even the technological development of our transportation systems has affected many people’s lives, like when people use trains to go to work, their time of socializing with the person they used to walk to work together with is limited.
Similarly, he says that we used to have no choice but to go to a central workplace or theatre or pub, then phones and faxes allowed some activities to take place without face-to-face meetings, and finally the distribution of high capacity digital networks allow many of us to conduct virtually all of our social interactions remotely from our houses.
Mitchell also summarizes the far from perfect environmental benefits of increasing use of digital networks to replace more physical modes of transportation and communication. He explains that by using social networking websites, people can now choose between instant online messaging and e-mails, which can be instant, depending on when the receiver opens the message. Like other technological advances in history, the actions of most humans who have access to new technology is to pick the most convenient modes that are now available based on their benefits.
Finally, he argues that people who are relatively well off  will have access to the full benefits of the e-revolution, which will continue to create increasing amounts of wealth for them. Unlike previous times in history, those of different economic classes may be increasingly physically isolated from each other in their day-to-day lives because technology is developing so fast that they can’t afford to keep up with it.

‘I feel less lonely’ : What older people say about participating in a social networking website

This article consists of results from a pilot project held in Australia. Research on how elderly people could be able to get rid of their depression which is caused by loneliness and methods are described in it.
Loneliness is an increasingly pressing social and health issue that has the potential to influence quality of life of older people. It has also been linked to numerous physical and emotional health problems, such as alcoholism, chronic health problems, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation and suicide. In addition , loneliness is linked to life events such as the death of a close friend, as well as disability and illness, thus preventing participation in social activities, resulting in being isolated. In many of these cases, family and friends do not realize that the person is suffering from depression and doesn’t occur to them that they are socially isolated cause they think it is common for an older person to not want to socialize because of their old age and disabilities.
After research and analyzing different dimensions of loneliness, the research team tried out some strategies on six people aged from sixty-nine to eighty-five. One project included all participants being connected to the internet and provided with one-on-one tutoring in how to use computers and most importantly social networking sites. The participants set up accounts on an identified social networking website in order to communicate with family and friends. These sites where aimed to reduce temporal loneliness for older people that live by themselves. Nobody would imagine how much internet and more specifically social networking websites would benefit older people and drive them out of the isolation they are in.
After interviews, it was proven that the elderly people where most in need of social networks, in evenings and over the weekends when there were no other services provided to fulfill their needs. The dimensions emerging from the interviews conducted suggest that loneliness is diverse and complex, bound to the context in which it is perceived, understood and experienced but the internet and social networks has had a great affect on the elderly people as they felt more connected with the ‘outer’ world at times when they can’t socialize other ways.
The  University of South Australia and Griffith researchers that participated  in this pilot project, recommend  that people focus on the prevention of loneliness at all ages but especially when it is most need, like when you are of old age and cannot attend events or physically keep socializing. Who would have thought that social networking would have been such a useful tool for non- e-revolutionists?

Do social networking  websites isolate or connect?

This book and journal were chosen cause of how different they are. In E-topia, Mitchell highlights the fact that by technology developing, people’s lives changes radically and if they are not fortunate enough to keep up to date with the e-revolution, they will end up feeling isolated, having in mind that the majority of people communicate by e-mails and social networks more than the usual meetings in cafes  and places other than cyber chats. On the other hand, the journal article about a pilot project in Australia notes how much social networking improved elderly people’s lives and making them communicate with people from around the world and most importantly with their families a lot easier.

There’s been some contradictory research as to whether the Internet is more socially isolating or more socially connecting. In a previous study that I have found it is proved that the Internet time was cutting into socializing and television watching. According to the most recent research however, it appears that this isn’t entirely the case. The Internet brings people together, adding one more communication skill, it doesn’t take anything away from anyone, especially how social somebody can be.
The cyber world expands people’s social networks and encourages people to meet people from all over the world, with different cultures. Using the internet to socialize, makes you a bigger connector which then allows you to get help on health care, financial and other decisions because they have a larger set of people to which to turn to. Social network also help people maintain their communities and friendships from earlier on in their life, even if it means that they have to communicate to people far away. Nowadays, it is also possible to use Facebook, Twitter etc to find old school friends and generally people you wouldn’t have kept in touch with over the years.
In my opinion, emails supplement other means of contact like face to face meetings and not replacing it because despite of all the advanced technology, people still need that special contact. For example, people who email most of their closest friends and relatives at least once a week are more likely to see them more often than somebody that doesn’t communicate with others anymore. People nowadays shift between face-to-face, phone and internet very easily cause their lifestyles have changed.

Ballantyne.A, Trenwith.L, Zubrinich.S and Corlis.M, ''I feel less lonely'': What older people say about participating in a social networking website, 2010,UK, Pier Professional. (Journal Article)

Mitchell.W, E-topia: ''Urban life, Jim- but not as we know it'', 2000, Cambridge, The MIT Press (Book)

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Christmas- A religious holiday has become a marketing frenzy!!

People have forgotten what we are actually supposed to be celebrating at Christmas.. Christmas Day is the day baby Jesus was born, it even carries his name ( Christ). The spirit of this holiday for most people is shopping and although commercialism has grown a lot throughout the years, this shopping frenzy isn't new. Parents started off buying gifts for their children and placing the presents under the decorated Christmas tree, letting their kids believe that Santa came down the chimney but over the years people were made to buy more and more each year.. Nowadays you don't just go Christmas shopping for your kids, you have to buy something for you parents, grandparents, friends, partners, brothers, sisters, uncles, colleagues and the lot. It is just a never ending list!! People tend to think that by spending more money you have a better life..
Take Scrooge for an example, he never did anything wrong, yet he was always hated in stories and presented as a very miserable old man all because he didn't buy presents or participate in celebrations. What are people, especially young children supposed to get from these stories?..... That shopping makes you happy!!
Don't get me wrong mum if you are reading this, although I don't believe in Santa anymore, I'm still looking forward to my Presents.. :P
Sadly though, gifts aren't just a part of Christmas, they are Christmas.
When I was younger, I didn't really understand the value of gifts and  appreciated every single little present, whereas now kids have to have the most expensive gear and don't even appreciate it.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Bad Table!!

When you are first given a project brief, the first thing you do is research for ideas, inspiration and find something to start from... During the process of research though you come across rather interesting stuff and rather weird stuff! So,when my group was given the furniture brief, we individually researched and the next day gathered it all and brainstormed.. When I'm looking for ideas, I tend to type in random stuff in Google and look through the images and websites that come up... It's funny how you always find something that really fascinates you from the beginning and no matter which direction you take, you always remember it and go back.....
Well that's what I've done today, after all the researching, designing and making of our chair which is almost finished and we are presenting it on Tuesday 14th, I've gone back to find out more about this naughty table and its designers....

 This is one very bad table but not a bad design, it's a very interesting and daring piece of furniture... Not many designers would get away with it, but Straight Line designs Inc. definitely do, as their whole range of furniture is focused on children and family, therefore it is all interactive and fun!!

 About Straight Line designs..
Straight Line Designs Inc. has been owned and operated by designer Judson Beaumont since 1986, based in Vancouver, BC, Canada and provides design and manufacturing services of custom pieces for trade show booths, movie and TV props, retail environments and private residence.

Here is the link to their website if anybody is interested to see more funny furniture and learn more about these artists :

Monday, 22 November 2010

Assignment 3: Looking up,Looking down!

For this assignment we had to look into our chosen topic from the Tipping point more thoroughly. During the previous assignment we brainstormed about Mavens,connectors and salesmen and talked about services that people use in order to connect. So I've chosen Social Networks for my research, as a lot of people use them to communicate and socialize. During my research I used the Main Library and the DJCAD Library as well as the Internet to find information.
Social Networking Sites

Ballantyne.A, Trenwith.L, Zubrinich.S and Corlis.M, ''I feel less lonely'': What older people say about participating in a social networking website, 2010,UK, Pier Professional. (Journal Article)
This article highlights results from a pilot project that implemented an Internet social networking intervention and evaluated the effect it had on older peoples experience of temporal loneliness.

Dulworth.M, The Connect Effect: Building strong, personal,professional and virtual networks, 2007, Berett- Koehler Publishers. (e-Book)
Dulworth argues that networking is an important skill that if people have and improve it, they can become big connectors and this can enrich every aspect of their lives.

Mitchell.W, E-topia: ''Urban life, Jim- but not as we know it'', 2000, Cambridge, The MIT Press (Book)
The global digital network is not just a delivery system for email, Web pages and digital television, it is a whole new way of socializing. In this book Mitchell examines this new infrastructure and its implications for our future daily lives.

Rheingold.H,The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the electronic frontier, 2000, Revised Edition, Cambridge, The MIT Press (Book)
In this book Rheingold tours the ''virtual community'' of online networking. He describes a community where people talk, argue, seek information, organize politically, fall in love and dupe others. He says that people relate to each other online the same as they would do in physical communities.

Robins.K and Webster.F, Times of the Technoculture, 1999, London, Routledge (Book)
The two authors question whether the new information and communications technologies, such as the internet, justify the utopian rhetoric with which they are promoted, suggesting that they often work to reproduce conservative social practices under a new guise.

Shaviro.S, Connected: or what it means to live in the network society, 2003, vol.9, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press (Book)
This book shows how the continual experimentation of science fiction, like science and technology themselves, conjure the invisible social forces that surround us.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Don't try to be original, try to be good. (Paul Rand)

 In one of our lectures, Jonathan Baldwing mentioned a graphic designer called Paul Rand which I hadn't heard of and thought I'd look him up and learn more about him.
I started by going on his official website, where I found a lot of information about him including articles he has written, videos and interviews.
In his website you can find some of his work, I looked into what he has done as a designer, but what interests me most is the way he talks about design. Rand, was mostly self taught and influenced by the German advertising style.He became one of the world's leading graphic designers and was honored by awards from many professional and academic groups, he was the first to receive the Florence Prize for Visual Communication in 1987. He is also the author of many books.

 Here is a very interesting article by Paul Rand about design, originally published in ''A Designers Art'' :
The Politics of Design (Paul Rand)

Logos he designed!

Finally, here is a video of Paul explaining why a design doesn't have to be original, but good! He is a genius!

Enjoy!! : )

Bomb........ Project!!





Dwell! (Mr. Dwill)

 Bomb project? What is that supposed to mean?
We were all confused when we were given the brief for this ''BOMB PROJECT'' one week into our furniture project but it turned out to be a very interesting and fun project!! It was actually the only time all four years got to work together and met new people!
After being split into groups, we were given a topic each. There were five subjects, Dwell, Shop, Learn, Play and Care. Each group had to think about there topic and bring in stuff we could use to make a 2D or 3D object with.

My group was given Play, sooo....... that's exactly what we did!! We played..:) We focused on the process of playing more than the final outcome and got over excited without even thinking how we are going to present it.. Balloons were filled up with colorful paint and hung onto a tree, then we placed two A1 kappa boards and started throwing darts at the balloons!! A couple of workers asked us if that is what we were being taught at uni and laughed at us and a man told us off for standing on the ''baby'' grass, which was very embarrassing but the whole point was for us to feel like children again and have fun and we succeeded in doing that. During that activity we took a lot of photographs and used them in the presentation by sticking them on the other side of the kappa boards and hung them from the lights of our studio...
Finally, the third day came and we presented it to all four years and tutors.I spotted a lot of disappointed faces, especially our tutors' Jasons cause he wanted to have a shot too!! Bellow are some images.

Setting up the game!
Final outcome!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Activity 2C: Thinking (Poster)

Here is a poster I made after brainstorming and discussing with the group how design relates to Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen in ''The Tipping Point''. Connectors nowadays use new methods to spread the word, such as the telephone, cars, advertisements and many more services.

Activity 2A: Brainstorming + 2B: Discussion

For this assignment, me, Duncan, Christina, Cara, Lynsey and Lindy got together in our studios and started brainstorming about how design could relate to Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen. We all had different views on it and it was interesting to see everybody else's notes and ideas. Having learned more about service design after Tom Inns lecture, I mainly focused on which services connectors could use. In order for connectors to spread the news ( word of mouth), they could use websites, advertisements, phones and also social events.
After the brainstorming our group got together to discuss everything we put down on the sheet while brainstorming and explain why it all related to design.



Group discussion

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Juteopolis, Final Presentation.

Above are my groups final presentation sheets for the Juteopolis project, which we had to design an exhibition for one of the spaces in the DCA.
After a lot of research and development, we got to the final idea by using ''The Lade'' - a stream of water that past through the jute mills to keep the atmosphere clear- to create a curvy path for visitors to follow through the exhibition. This pathway would be formed by Sensacell modules, allowing people to interact with the exhibition by lighting up the area where they are standing. Along this path there are six water tanks containing information about Dundee when the Mills where still working and about Lily Thomson, a former weaver. In the center of the exhibition there is a sitting area formed by jute and lit on the inside, creating rays of light coming through the holes and lighting the dark exhibition hall.

Here is an image of the sheets displayed for the presentation and beneath is the final model and development models.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Activity 1D: Annotated Bibliography

Below are the 10 first Harvard references. The reason why I didn't include all the references is because I done a mind map of the whole chapter and they were too many references.

Feick L.F. & Price.L .L (1987). The Market Maven: A diffuser of Marketplace Information. Journal of Marketing
Linda Price interviews the Mavens.
Fischer D. H., (1994), Paul Revere's Ride, New York: Oxford University Press.
Explaining how Revere is a true connector.

Granovetter M., (1995). Getting a Job. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago.It's not about what you know it's about who you know.
Discovering how people are connected.

Higier A. , Feick L.F. & Price L.L. (1987). Types and Amounts of Word-of-Mouth Communications About Retailers. Journal of RetailingMavens way of shopping.

Inman J., L. McAlister & W.D. Hoyer. (1990). Promotion Signal: Proxy for a Price Cut? Journal of Consumer Research. False advertising.

Kochen M. (1989). The Small World Problem. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corp.
6 Degrees of seperation. 

Mullen B. et al. (1986). Newscasters' facial expressions and voting behaviour of viewers: Can a smile elect a President? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
 Price L.L, Feick L. F & Guskey A. (1995). Everyday Market Helping Behaviour. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Mavens way of shopping. 

Werner C. & Parmlee P. (1979). Similarity of Activity Preferences Among Friends: Those Who Play Together Stay Together. Social Psychology Quarterly.
88% of the people living in the Dyckman projects have friends in the same building.

Activity 1B:Going into detail + 1C:Looking for evidence

Here is my second Mind Map of a section of '' The Tipping Point''. The chapter I chose to do a detailed mind map on is The law of the few. I was fascinated by the way Malcom Gladwell demonstrates that many outbreaks could be traced back to a small group of infectors. Many trends are ushered into popularity by small groups of individuals that can be classified as Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen.Connectors are individuals who have ties in many different realms and help engender connections and relationships that otherwise might not have ever occurred. Mavens have a strong compulsion to help other consumers by helping them make informed decisions and salesmen are people with a charisma in persuading others into  buying decisions and behaviors.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Activity 1A: Mind Mapping

This is my first mind map ever and it took hours, but it's worth it because now I feel like I have understood more about ''The Tipping Point''. Mind Maps are definately  very useful and i'm going to  use them in future projects, just hope next time it doesn't take so long to complete. :)

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid is one of the many architects and designers that I admire. Either it's a building or a piece of furniture it is always designed in her unique way. I have found myself recognize her work immediately although it is foreign to me.The designs are out of this world. Here is a link  of Zaha Hadid's official site, take a look!! http://www.zaha-hadid.com

Juteopolis, The Sensory Space project.

Our first project for semester 1, level 2 was exhibition design. I said was cause we should all be finished with our work by now and thinking of what to say in our presentation tomorrow after our Design Studies lecture... hmm someones a little nervous but will have got over it by the time I start presenting..:) 
This project was our first group project and I have to say that at first I thought it would be much easier to develop ideas if we combined all three, but it turned out to be a lot harder, (for me at least), cause whenever I came up with something I had to think of it thoroughly and analyze it before I told the two members of my group about it. But that changed quick cause I gained confidence and thought to myself ''An idea can never be stupid''. 
In the first week of the project we were asked to produce an emotive object based on Juteopolis and our initial concept. My groups emotive object illustrates the five main stages of jute production in a unique form. Here is an image of our Emotive object :